These papers are the ones that stem from my ongoing projects. My other publications are listed on my interactive CV.
Insurance, race, and long-term acute care (Critical Care Medicine 2012)
This was my first experience with secondary data analysis. Under the tutelage of Jeremy Kahn, I looked for associations between insurance, race, and the use of long-term acute care hospitals after an ICU stay.
ICU attending handoff interviews (Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2014)
In this study, I interviewed 30 ICU attendings across the country to ask them about how they conduct handoffs with other attending physicians.
HATRICC study protocol (BMC Surgery 2014)
Primary data collection takes time! We published our study protocol for two reasons. First, it helps establish that we are working in this area. Second, it keeps us honest when we go to publish our findings.
ICU attending handoff survey (Critical Care Medicine 2016)
This study follows from the ICU attending handoff interview study. We surveyed more than 600 ICU attendings across the United States to further develop our understanding of how they approach handoffs and how this might impact patient care.